Recommendations for car interior care

Recommendations for car interior care

A neat and clean interior for car greatly affects the comfort of driving a vehicle. A car interior includes various components made of fabric, plastic, glass, rubber, wood, and other materials. All this requires care if the car owner prefers to have a cozy and well-kept interior.

How to care for a leather interior?

Over time, leather upholstery becomes dirty. This occurs when the upholstery comes into contact with hair and skin. Food particles also get on the upholstery when snacking on the road. Thus, after some time, grease stains appear on the surface. Dust settles on them and a dark coating results. It is important to remove it promptly, otherwise, the dirt will be absorbed into the upholstery and you won’t be able to do it without dry cleaning at a car dealership.

Mistakes when cleaning leather interiors

Sometimes alcohol-containing products or other cars accessories are used for cleaning. Their disadvantages are as follows:

  • Remove the polymer layer that serves to protect the upholstery from ultraviolet radiation, dirt, and friction against hard fabrics.

  • Previously hidden defects will appear as cracks, scratches, and abrasions.

  • The upholstery will quickly lose its original attractive appearance.

And inexpensive conditioners, based on petroleum products, are poorly absorbed and make the skin more oily. This leads to the fact that upon contact with clothing, greasy stains remain on it.

Recommendations for cleaning leather interior

It is better to give preference to softer means. They will clean the surface and slightly moisten it. With monthly use of such products, leather upholstery will be soft and have a matte shine. But before using conditioner, you need to remove grease stains from the surface. Otherwise, they will prevent the air conditioner parts in a car from contacting the upholstery.

How to care for fabric interiors?

Fabric upholstery is a strong dust accumulator. Therefore, when mixed with moisture, dirty spots appear on it. The sides of the driver's seat become dirtier. In addition, drinks (juice, coffee, tea) may spill on the upholstery or be smeared with fallen cake. Such contaminants are quite difficult to remove.

Mistakes when cleaning fabric interior

As a rule, they try to remove dirty stains with what is at hand: various floor or dishwashing detergents. In addition to damaging the tissue, an allergy to these chemicals may also occur.

Recommendations for cleaning fabric interior

For effective cleaning, use mild detergents. They are easily ventilated and do not cause allergic reactions. If dirt has been absorbed into the upholstery, you need to use a stain remover or resort to dry cleaning. To keep the interior clean, fabric upholstery should be vacuumed regularly.

How to care for plastic components in the cabin?

Every car accessories interiors contain various plastic parts. They can accumulate a static charge, which leads to increased attraction of dust. And most of all, it is collected on the dashboard of the car. In addition to dust, black plastic also actively attracts ultraviolet radiation. This leads to black fading and cracks.

Mistakes when cleaning plastic elements

You should not buy polish at the supermarket. They have a sharp chemical smell, and they will give the plastic an uncharacteristic glossy tint. Because of this, the instrument panel will be reflected on the windshield, which will significantly disturb the driver. If such a polish is applied to the steering wheel, it will become slippery and difficult to control.

Recommendations for cleaning plastic

To keep plastic elements in proper condition, you need to systematically wipe them with a cleaning agent that has antistatic properties. You should also apply a protective agent to the plastic to prevent the color from fading. If you properly care for your car interior accessory, it will be pleasing to the eye and will extend the life of the upholstery and plastic elements.
