Scratches on the windshield: causes and effective methods of elimination

Scratches on the windshield: causes and effective methods of elimination

Thanks to the window car parts, the driver has a wide view of what is ahead of the vehicle. Given its importance, the glass must be as transparent and scratch-free as possible. If visibility and visibility are insufficient, this can lead to undesirable consequences on the road.

General information

Even though scratches are considered minor defects, their presence significantly impairs visibility. This is because they create distracting glare that interferes with the driver's comfortable view. In addition, scratches on the windshield negatively affect the overall appearance of the car.

Although initially a small scratch does not greatly affect the overall view, the number of scratches can become a serious problem, especially over time. If funds allow, the windshield is replaced. But there are ways to eliminate scratches if the driver does not plan to replace the glass.

Scratch removal methods

To eliminate them, you need to find out the degree of their severity and use window car accessories. Having found out this, it will be clear whether you can eliminate them yourself or seek help from specialists. To determine whether a scratch is superficial or not, you need to run your fingernail over it. If the nail does not cling, it means it is superficial and you can remove it yourself. Let's consider car accessories for windows for removing scratches yourself:

  • Toothpaste. It includes baking soda, which will act as a light abrasive. This abrasive is very soft and will remove scratches rather than cause new ones to appear. To do this, take a soft cloth, apply paste to it and carefully wipe the scratched area. Then the paste is washed off with water.

  • Buffing polishing machine, nozzles, and special paste for glass. You should work carefully so as not to damage the glass.

  • An alternative is windshield care kits that include all the necessary components.

If the scratch is deep, you will need to contact a service center. Service will also be needed if they are superficial, but the entire surface of the glass is cut off by them.

Causes of scratches and what is their danger

A scratch is the most common defect in glass, especially windshield glass. These scratches are characterized by a certain shape. However, they differ in the degree of negative impact on the clarity of the view. There are very small and unnoticeable scratches for the driver, but there are also those that distract attention and interfere with visibility. Let's look at the main reasons for scratches on a car's windshield.

The presence of poorly washed-off dust or dirt during the washing process

Since small particles of dust (dirt) act as an abrasive, when you turn on the wipers window, the windshield will be scratched. Therefore, you need to systematically wipe the glass so that no small particles remain on it.

Damaged wiper blades

If the car wipers are faulty or the wiper blades are worn out, then when they are turned on, a scratch will appear on the glass. Therefore, it is recommended to frequently check their condition and the degree of wear of parts and, if necessary, replace them.

Hitting with various objects

For example, it could be stones or various debris that fall under the rear wheels of the car in front and damage the windshield of the car driving behind. It is recommended to always maintain the required distance from the vehicle you are driving behind. This will reduce the likelihood of glass damage.

You cannot be careless about scratches. They refract light and create distracting glare that makes it difficult to concentrate. Most of all, scratches will be a hindrance in the rain and bright sunshine. It is also not always possible to undergo MOT if there is a certain concentration of scratches on the windshield. Eliminate scratches promptly – this will not only ensure an aesthetic appearance, but also good visibility of the road.
