Service life and signs of malfunction of high-voltage wires

Service life and signs of malfunction of high-voltage wires

High-voltage wiring in a car is needed to connect the spark plugs to the coils. The car light wiring carries huge flows of electricity from the battery to the spark plugs. This is how the engine starts. Wires are subject to high pressure (up to 40 kV), so they can fail. And it is important to replace them with an appropriate analog.

What wires are needed for spark plugs?

Wires for spark plugs serve as insulation of current-carrying conductors from liquid and are needed to reduce current leakage in the process of transmitting it to the spark plugs. The necessary components are plastic caps attached at the point where the coil with spark plugs is connected. Thanks to the caps, high-quality insulation is ensured, which means the service life of the ignition system will be longer.

How to find out that the wiring has become unusable?

During operation, the insulation of the wiring or other cars accessories may be damaged or the cap may be damaged. This will cause current leakage. In this regard, the driver will find the following:

  • The internal combustion engine does not start, especially at low temperatures in winter.

  • Uneven engine operation at idle.

  • Significant excess fuel consumption.

  • Increased amount of smoke from the exhaust pipe, in addition, the smoke becomes much darker.

  • Low vehicle acceleration speed.

If one of the above factors is present, then you will need to replace the wires. If replacement is not done promptly, other components of the electrical system in the car may also fail. It is also important to carry out the scheduled replacement of high-voltage wiring, which is performed once every 7 years. As a rule, the service life of the wires is indicated in the instructions and is approximately 50,000 km.

How to replace armored wires?

If the wire for car lights fails, it will need to be replaced. We list what you need to pay attention to when choosing this wiring:

  • ensuring transmission up to 40 kV;

  • type of wire insulation: the better it is, the less current leakage will be, which means efficient operation will be ensured;

  • operating temperature limits: as a rule, the temperature range is -30C...+100C degrees;

  • ensuring the compatibility of copper wires with the car: type of ignition, type of spark plugs, etc.

If the listed parameters are not taken into account, the wiring will not only work poorly but may also fail prematurely and cause a breakdown of the ignition system.

How to choose high-voltage wiring?

To ensure a longer operational life of the wiring, the following aspects should be taken into account when purchasing high-voltage wires.

  • Products must be from the specified manufacturer. Very often there are counterfeit brands, and the purchased products will not correspond to the specified characteristics in the instructions. That is, the wiring will not perform its functions efficiently. And as a consequence – failure of the ignition system.

  • Wire length. It is important to pay attention to the length, which should correspond to the distance from the spark plugs to the coil. Otherwise, the acquisition will simply be useless. Therefore, before you go buy wiring, you need to know this distance.

  • Wiring material. It is important to pay attention to both the insulation and the core of the wire. Not only the efficiency of the wiring but also its service life will depend on this.

If you find it difficult to make a choice of auto-accessories on your own, you can seek help from the specialists of our online store.


From all of the above, it follows that high-voltage wiring in a car must be taken seriously and recommendations should not be neglected during operation and replacement. In this matter, inattention and negligence can cause more serious damage, which will require much more financial resources. It is better to purchase goods from trusted stores, otherwise, there is a possibility of purchasing a fake. If you are in doubt about the choice and complexity of replacement, it is better to contact specialists in this field.
